Talia Amar's Events


31.12.2022 Anette Studio, Tel Aviv

“Labyrinth” was performed by Meitar Ensemble and conducted by Pierre André-Valade as part as CEME Festival


“Rage Contre La Lumiere qui se Meurt” was broadcasted at the French radio station Radio Musique

30.10-6.11.2022 Aix en Provence

“Rage Contre la Lumiere qui se Meurt” commissioned by the renowned violinist Renaud Capuçon was performed as part as the “New Horizons Festival” and broadcasted live at Arte Television

27.10.2022 Jerusalem Theatre

“For Orchestra 1” dedicated to Mark Kopytman was performed by the  Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra and conducted by Steven Sloane

13.10.2022 New Music, Old Town Hall, Gdansk, Poland

“Physics” for soprano, electronics, and video, was performed by soprano Monika Sendrowska

8.10.2022 Bargemusic, NYC, NY

“Into the Maelstrom” was performed by pianist Yael Weiss as part as “32 Bright Clouds: Beethoven Conversations Around the World” project

30.9 – 4.10 Salzburg, Vienna, Gratz

“Reminiscence” was performed by Meitar Ensemble’s tour in three different concerts

29.9.2022 The Ran Baron Hall, the Center for New Music, the Israeli Conservatory of Music (Tel Aviv)

“Reminiscence” was performed by Meitar Ensemble as part as the Israli Music Festival


I participated in a round table as part as Tzlil Meudcan Festival

30.6.2022 Annette Studio, Tel Aviv

I performed the electronics with Meitar Ensemble for Fedele’s piece X-Tension 3

21.6.2022 Buchmann-Mehta School of Music in Tel Aviv University

I was part of a jury for the American-Israel Cultural Foundation Scholarships in Composition


I gave a talk about my music as part of ContComp Conference in Haifa University

15.5.2022 Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

I was judging at the “Haim Klami” piano competition

15.5.2022 Ganz Hall, Roosevelt University (Chicago)

“Reminiscence” was performed by Durward Ensemble as part of the Chicago Composers’ Consortium concert series

8 – 12.5 I’m giving lectures and Masterclasses in Akademia Muzyezna in Gdansk, Poland

30.4.2022 Annette Studio, Tel Aviv

“Triangulation” was performed by Amit Dolberg as part of Meitar Ensemble’s concerts. Additionally, I performed the electronics for Sarah Nemtsov’s piece “Mountain and Maiden”


I gave a presentation about my piece “Physics” with Sarit Youdelevich who made the video. The lecture is part of FutureFit Workshops of Bezalel Academy of Art.


I performed a concert with singer Revital Raviv and an actor by Israeli composers. It will include my piece “Sea of Jerusalem”. This concert is a collaboration with the Israeli Composers League.

6.4.2022 Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

“Triangulation” was performed by pianist Amit Dolberg along with other pieces which I performed the electronics


“Labyrinth” was broadcasted at the French radio station “France Musique”


“Imerofonos” was broadcasted in the Israeli Radio station “Kol Hamusica”


I was interviewed about my music with Dr. Arnon Palty

1.3.2022 The Ran Baron Hall, the Center for New Music, the Israeli Conservatory of Music (Tel Aviv)

“Firefly” was performed by Lidor Messika and Naomi Hassoun at the Paul Ben Haim Israeli Competition

23.2.2022 Erlöserkirche, Stuttgart

“Afterwards” will be performed by Trio Shulamit


I was interviewed at the radio station “Galey Israel” with Mati Tuchfeld about my music

13.2.2022 Festival Présences de Radio France, Paris

“Labyrinth” commissioned by Ensemble L’Itinéraire was performed as part as Festival Presences of Radio France (More information)


“L’espoir d’une Vie Meilleure” was broadcasted in the Israeli radio “Kol Hamusica”

17.1.2022 Longy School (MA)

“When a Dream becomes Reality…” was performed by Collage New Music (More information)


“Reverberations” (performed by Meitar Ensemble) is broadcasted at the Israeli radio, Kol Hamusica (more information)

13.1.2022 Studio Annette, Tel Aviv

A new piece for electric guitar, electronics, and sensor, a collaboration with guitarist Nadav Lev, was performed


ISCM chose my piece “Reverberations” to publish in their website and Facebook page (More information)


“Taijitu” for flute and electronics was broadcasted in the Israeli radio “Kol Hamusica”


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