Talia Amar's Events
21.5.2025 Reaktor, Vienna
“When Soft Voices Die” will be performed by Ensemble Reconsil
21.1.2025 Acre
“When Soft Voices Die” will be premiered by Tel Aviv Soloist Ensemble and conducted by Barak Tal
20.1.2025 Tel Aviv Zucker Hall
“When Soft Voices Die” will be premiered by Tel Aviv Soloist Ensemble and conducted by Barak Tal
19.1.2025 Haifa
“When Soft Voices Die” will be premiered by Tel Aviv Soloist Ensemble and conducted by Barak Tal
15.1.2025 High School of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
I will give a lecture about music and technology
12.1.2025 Israel Music Conservatory, Tel Aviv
I will give a lecture about music and technology
10.1.2025 Hadassa Academic College, Jerusalem
I will give a lecture about my music at the computer science department at Hadassa Academic College
8.1.2025 Kol Hamusica Radio
I was interviewed on the radio station Kol Hamusica about my piece “Soft Voices Die”